CBD Hemp Oil

The Major Terpenes in That’s Natural Full-Spectrum CBD-Rich Hemp Oil


Terpenes are naturally occurring molecules that exist in many plants including citrus fruit rinds, many herbs, hops, and pine needles.  Hemp and/or cannabis plants also have terpenes that are a naturally occurring component of the plant.  Sometimes referred to as ‘terpenoids’ – these are molecules that are built of ‘isoprene units’.  More than 20,000 terpenoids have been isolated and identified in laboratories, but there are millions of others that are not yet known and not yet studied.

There are over 100 known terpenes that can be found in the cannabis plant, and each of these can contribute to the smell, taste, and effect that the plant has on the human body.  Just like essential oils can contribute to health by the aromatic and anti-bacterial/anti-fungal/anti-parasitic effects – CBD-rich hemp oil, with varying terpene profiles – can do the same.

In our That’s Natural Full-Spectrum CBD-Rich Hemp Oil products, you will find these six major terpenes.

Linalool: This terpene has been used as a sleep aid, as well as to treat anxiety and psychosis, it is an anti-epileptic agent, and has been used for overall pain relief.  It is also found in: Lavender, Citrus, Laurels, Birch, Coriander, and Rosewood.

Beta-Caryophyllene: This terpene has an affinity for the CB2 endocannabinoid receptor (via the Endocannabinoid System).  It is anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-tumor, and anti-inflammatory.  It is also found in: Thai Basil, Clove, and Black Pepper.

Beta-Myrcene: This is one of the most important of terpenes.  It is anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and has been used in the treatment of spasms, insomnia, and pain.  It is also found in Mangos, Hops, Bay Leaves, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, and many other plants.

D-Limonene: This terpene has been used to treat gastric reflux, depression, and anxiety.  It is also anti-fungal, anti-tumor; it is an immunostimulant, and assists in the absorption of other cannabinoids.  It is also found in citrus fruits.

Humulene: This terpene is anti-tumor, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and an anorectic (suppresses appetite).  It is also found in Hops and Vietnamese Coriander and is well known to Chinese medicine.

Alpha-Pinene: This terpene reacts with other chemicals to form a variety of terpenes.  It has been used for centuries as a bronchodilators in the treatment of asthma and is anti-inflammatory.  It is also found in Conifer Trees and Orange Peels.

Since terpenes contribute to the whole effect of cannabinoids – for people looking to maintain a ‘whole plant’ or ‘full spectrum’ approach to healing and wellness – these are an essential part of finding a CBD-rich hemp oil.  CBD that may be “isolated” (called CBD isolate) or CBD that comes from unhealthy plants (not grown organically and/or with biodynamic farming practices) – could result in having less terpenes or no terpenes at all.

If a consumer is interested in the Entourage Effect of a product – it is very important to make sure that there is both a cannabinoid as well as terpene profile. At That’s Natural, we believe in whole, plant-based medicines as a natural and constitutional right to health and healing.  See our products at www.cbdoil.life.

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